School Evaluation 22-23
As a school we constantly review where we are and how we can improve to ensure that your child receives the best education at Ysgol Eifion Wyn.
Our Strengths
- Pupils, parents, staff and governors have helped us to create a clear vision.
- We continuously review what we’re doing so that we can make improvements.
- Every member of staff receives high quality training which has a positive on the way we teach and support your child.
- Our curriculum offers excellent opportunities in the outdoors through adventourous activities and residential visits.
- The school works with other schools within the catchment area to form a balanced and appropriate curriculum.
- Our curicculum stimulates our children’s interests.
Teaching and Learning
- We use ‘assessment for learning’ so that our pupils know how to improve their work. This helps our teachers to plan the next steps.
- Our teaching strategies develop our pupils to be independent learners.
- Our teaching strategies ensure that our pupils make progress.
Well being, Equity and Inclusion
- Ourschool has been designed to be welcoming and homely for all pupils.
- We have firm procedures to assess and support well being.
- The school tries to support the local community e.g. free school uniform shop, food bank.
School Evaluation 22-23 (pdf)